Discovering Biblical Values
This is the second in a four-part spiritual formation process.
These 10 lessons focus on ten doctrinal beliefs of the Christian faith, creating a deeper understanding of basic Christian principles and helping the participant begin to formulate Biblical values from those beliefs.
Lesson #1: What is the Bible?
Lesson #2: Who is God?
Lesson #3: Who is Jesus?
Lesson #4: Who is the Holy Spirit?
Lesson #5: What Are Angels?
Lesson #6: Who Are Human Beings?
Lesson #7: Why Did God Send Jesus to Die?
Lesson #8: What is God’s Salvation?
Lesson #9: What is the Church?
Lesson #10: What Does the Future Hold?
Downloadable and reproducible masters include unlimited copying rights along with Leader’s guide.
This is the second in a four-part spiritual formation process.
These 10 lessons focus on ten doctrinal beliefs of the Christian faith, creating a deeper understanding of basic Christian principles and helping the participant begin to formulate Biblical values from those beliefs.
Lesson #1: What is the Bible?
Lesson #2: Who is God?
Lesson #3: Who is Jesus?
Lesson #4: Who is the Holy Spirit?
Lesson #5: What Are Angels?
Lesson #6: Who Are Human Beings?
Lesson #7: Why Did God Send Jesus to Die?
Lesson #8: What is God’s Salvation?
Lesson #9: What is the Church?
Lesson #10: What Does the Future Hold?
Downloadable and reproducible masters include unlimited copying rights along with Leader’s guide.
This is the second in a four-part spiritual formation process.
These 10 lessons focus on ten doctrinal beliefs of the Christian faith, creating a deeper understanding of basic Christian principles and helping the participant begin to formulate Biblical values from those beliefs.
Lesson #1: What is the Bible?
Lesson #2: Who is God?
Lesson #3: Who is Jesus?
Lesson #4: Who is the Holy Spirit?
Lesson #5: What Are Angels?
Lesson #6: Who Are Human Beings?
Lesson #7: Why Did God Send Jesus to Die?
Lesson #8: What is God’s Salvation?
Lesson #9: What is the Church?
Lesson #10: What Does the Future Hold?
Downloadable and reproducible masters include unlimited copying rights along with Leader’s guide.