Increasing the Spiritual Conversations of Your Pastoral Staff
Gary Rohrmayer Gary Rohrmayer

Increasing the Spiritual Conversations of Your Pastoral Staff

I am amazed at how many pastoral staff members in local churches are woefully inactive at personally sharing their faith or even explaining the gospel.

How does one help their staff or volunteers to increase the number of spiritual conversations they get into in a typical week of ministry?

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Increasing Your Spiritual Conversations
Gary Rohrmayer Gary Rohrmayer

Increasing Your Spiritual Conversations

Ed Stetzer once said, “If you want your church to be evangelistic and you yourself are not evangelistic – you are on a fools errand.” 

If you are going to see the spiritual conversations in your church increase this year you must see them increase in your life as a leader.

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The Spiritual Conversations Tool
Gary Rohrmayer Gary Rohrmayer

The Spiritual Conversations Tool

Bring More Focus Into Your Spiritual Conversations

Many of you would agree that most spiritual conversations lack focus and direction. I developed this spiritual conversation tool to bring more focus and direction into my evangelistic conversations without being pushy or overbearing.

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Ten Biblical Principles for Launching or Relaunching a Church
Gary Rohrmayer Gary Rohrmayer

Ten Biblical Principles for Launching or Relaunching a Church

Every church will have an opportunity to relaunch and retool their ministry either in the fall or the spring prior to Easter.  We hope this series of articles will inspire and practically assist churches as they investigate the relaunch process. We desire that every church will take this God-given opportunity to heart and leverage it for kingdom expansion.

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Ten Practical Steps to Creating Momentum for Your Relaunch
Gary Rohrmayer Gary Rohrmayer

Ten Practical Steps to Creating Momentum for Your Relaunch

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:18

Every church will have a unique opportunity to Relaunch their ministry this fall. Whether your church is six weeks old or 170 years young, each church will have a chance to reorient their ministries, equip their leaders and inspire their people to fulfill the mission of Jesus of making more and better disciples in their unique context.

Here are ten practical steps to help you and your team to think through your Relaunch Plan.

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10 Coachable Moments
Gary Rohrmayer Gary Rohrmayer

10 Coachable Moments

Growing as a coach, leader or manager is an art form. I recently read an article on 10 Coachable Situations.

The author wrote, "When I hear managers talking about coaching their staff, they are often speaking of coaching them to improve their performance, and usually at an annual performance review. What if you considered coaching as a tool that you can use at any time, and not only when your employees are not performing, but also when they are doing great work? Coaching allows you to extend your influence all year long, in many situations, at any time. It requires you to pay attention to situations that are appropriate for coaching".

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The Joy Of The LORD Is My Strength - Nehemiah 8:10
Gary Rohrmayer Gary Rohrmayer

The Joy Of The LORD Is My Strength - Nehemiah 8:10

In the midst of some crazy things going on with family and work I found strength in focusing not on how God can meet my needs for emotional strength in chaotic times but by focusing on where God finds His joy.

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21 Powerful Quotes From George Müller
Gary Rohrmayer Gary Rohrmayer

21 Powerful Quotes From George Müller

George Müller was used by Jesus to inspire millions and inspires me to this day.  Enjoy just a few of his powerful thoughts on prayer, bible study and the mission of Jesus.

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