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21 courageous prayers
  • We live in times where God’s people must find a greater level of courage in order to see God’s blessings in their lives and the gospel advance in our world.

    For church leaders, courageous faith is imperative if the church is going to make inroads into our culture today. There is no room for cowardice, timidity, or faintheartedness when we face resistance to the gospel.

    Our prayer for you during these 21 days is that you will get a bigger picture of who God is and what He wants to accomplish in your life. We hope that God will infuse your heart with courageous faith and fill your mouth with courageous prayers as you trust His promises, rely on His power, and experience His presence.

    In 21 Courageous Prayers, Gary Rohrmayer introduces you to the spiritual discipline of reading, meditating on, and praying through the book of Psalms. We hope that this 21-day journey will turn into a 365-day spiritual habit.

21 days of prayer and fasting spanish
  • ¿Qué clase de avance estás buscando?

    Por todas partes del mundo, el pueblo de Dios ha estado buscando avances espirituales a través del ayuno y oración desde el nacimiento de la iglesia. ¿Cuál es la gran situación que tienes delante de ti? ¿Algún ser amado que está lejos de Cristo? ¿Alguna decisión crítica en la vida de tu familia? ¿Una relación que está cayéndose a pedazos? ¿Cuáles son los grandes desafíos que están enfrentando a tu iglesia o ministerio? ¿Un compromiso evangelístico? Una crisis financiera? Una transición de liderazgo? ¿Una expansión misionera?

    En los 21 Días de Ayuno & Oración, Gary Rohrmayer te introducirá a la rica disciplina espiritual del ayuno por medio de las sagradas escrituras y los grandes pensadores cristianos de la historia.

    ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que comenzaste en un periodo largo de ayuno y oración en búsqueda de algún avance espiritual, relacional o misionero? A lo largo de la historia del pueblo de Dios, los grandes líderes han buscado a Dios para hallar un encuentro nuevo o una intervención divina.

    Nuestra oración para ti durante los próximos 21 días es que tú experimentes un deseo más profundo por la belleza del Señor y la maravilla de su dirección en tu vida, y que tú conozcas la plenitud del Espíritu Santo y el favor del Dios de los cielos.

Jesus a 21 day journey
  • Charles H. Spurgeon asked, “Do I know more of Christ today than I did yesterday? Do I live nearer to Christ today than I did a little while ago?”

    As Gary Rohrmayer began researching the characteristics of Jesus, he discovered that there were over 600 titles or names describing Jesus in the Bible. He thought to himself, “Am I really growing in my knowledge of Jesus if I only know a handful of his names.” This began a journey of studying Jesus’ titles and their implications on his life.

    Our hope is that during these 21 days that you will not just get to know more about Jesus but that you will get to know Jesus intimately and the Father who sent him. That your devotion, love and passion for the person and work of Jesus Christ will grow in a life changing manner.

    In JESUS, Gary Rohrmayer, devotionally introduces you to 21 titles of Jesus. Our prayer is that these 21 days will turn into a 365-day habit as you keep on growing in grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

21 days of prayer and fasting
  • What breakthrough are you seeking?

    God’s people all over the world have been seeking spiritual breakthroughs through prayer and fasting since the birth of the church. What is the great matter in front of you? A loved one far from Christ? A critical decision in the life of your family? A relationship that is falling apart? What great matters are in front of your church or ministry? An evangelistic outreach? A financial crisis? A leadership transition? Missional expansion?

    In the 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting Guide, Gary Rohrmayer introduces you to the rich spiritual discipline of fasting through the holy scriptures and the great Christian thinkers throughout the ages. When was the last time you entered an extended time of prayer and fasting for spiritual, relational or missional breakthrough? Throughout the history of God’s people, great leaders reached out to God for a fresh encounter or divine intervention.

    Our prayer for you during the next 21 days is that you will experience a deeper craving for the beauty of the Lord and for the wonder of his leading in your life, and that you will know the fullness of the Holy Spirit and the favor of the God of heaven.

21 dangerous prayers spanish
  • ¡ORACIONES PELIGROSAS! ¿Una oración puede ser peligrosa? ¿Acaso la oración debería ser peligrosa? Cualquier encuentro con un Dios santo puede ser peligroso—no en el sentido de peligrar la vida, sino en el sentido de un cambio de vida y alma. En demasiadas ocasiones, nosotros hacemos oraciones seguras: Dios bendíceme. Dios ayúdame. Dios protégeme. Dios sáname. Dios provéeme. Durante los próximos 21 días, vamos a explorar las oraciones peligrosas que han sido hechas por el pueblo de Dios por miles de años. Confiamos que Dios vendrá a tu encuentro de una forma peligrosa y capaz de cambiar tu vida. Oramos que tú no volverás a ser el mismo y que tu familia, vecindario, lugar de trabajo e iglesia será impactada por causa de tu encuentro personal con Dios.

21 day journey toward a generous life
  • We believe that one of the marks of a follower of Jesus is that they are responsible and generous with the resources God has entrusted to them. As pastors and movement leaders, we have been seeking ways to help God’s people move towards a grace-filled and generous life. During this 21-Day Journey Toward a Generous Life, we are praying that your love for God will increase and your experience of God’s grace would deepen. That through the insights of God’s word you will gain a broader perspective on work, money and true financial freedom. We are praying that you will not be the same, that you will have a defining moment and receive a giving testimony by experiencing the words of Jesus himself, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). This book makes an excellent resource for Capital Campaigns and Generosity Initiatives.

  • As we take this 21-day journey through the longest chapter in the Bible, our hope is that you will fall in love with the Word of God and the God of the Word. That you will see it as a sacred text worthy of your honor. That you will entrust your life to its truth and promises. That you will bring your life in compliance to its standards and values. That the Holy Spirit will quicken your heart and mind and reveal to you the wonders of God’s Word. In essence, our hope is that you will learn to cherish God’s Word in your heart. In Cherish, Gary Rohrmayer introduces you to the spiritual discipline of daily reading, memorizing, studying, and meditating on God’s Word. Our hope is that this 21-day journey will teach you how to study the Bible for yourself and turn it into a 365-day spiritual habit

  • Can prayer be dangerous? Is prayer supposed to be dangerous? Dangerous prayers are risky and life stretching. Dangerous prayers come out of a spirit of brokenness. Dangerous prayers are filled with boldness and daring faith.

    In this 21 Day Devotional Guide, Gary Rohrmayer introductions you to the dangerous prayers that have been prayed by God’s people for thousands of years. We trust God will meet you in a dangerous and life-transforming manner. We pray that you will not be the same and that your family, neighborhood, workplace, and church will be impacted because you personally have met with God.

21 dangerous prayers
  • In Encounter: A 21- Day Fresh Encounter with the Holy Spirit, Gary Rohrmayer desires to help us work out in our minds and hearts what it means to have "fellowship with the Holy Spirit." No subject is as essential to the spiritual development of the church and the advancement of the mission of Jesus than the person and work of the Holy Spirit. Our prayer that these 21 days will turn into a 365-day habit as you deepen your understanding of and dependence on the Holy Spirit.

  • In Victorious: A 21 Day Journey to a Victorious Prayer Life, Gary Rohrmayer desires to show you how Jesus the Victorious One has defeated our arch-enemy and has provided a path of freedom that can be expressed in our daily devotions. Our prayer is that this 21-day journey will become a 365-day habit that will lead you toward a victorious life.
