21 Day Campaigns
21 Days of Prayer
This summer I have been reading a short biography on Charles H. Spurgeon. When he was given a three-month trial preaching opportunity as a 19-year-old preacher at New Park Street Church in London, his first task was that his church of 80 people would learn how to truly pray. Spurgeon said, “I can readily tell when a brother is praying, or when he is performing, or playing at prayer… Oh for a living groan! One sigh of the soul has more power in it than half an hour’s recitation of pretty pious words!”
Pastor, are you leading your church to really pray?
21 Days of Prayer is an opportunity for you as the Pastor to lead your church to a deeper level of prayer.
21 Days of Discipleship
What is 21-Day Discipleship?
Dallas Willard wrote, “Non-discipleship is the elephant in the church.”
As I travel throughout our churches I am faced with the same question: “How are other churches making disciples?” In large or small churches, leaders are all asking the same question.
21 Days of Discipleship is a process where the whole church engages in a transformation that delivers the treasures of doctrinal teaching through devotions.