generous life

21 Days of Discipleship Devotionals

21-Day Journey Toward a Generous Life

By Gary Rohrmayer & Steve Mizel

“As thunder follows lightning, giving follows grace. When God’s grace touches you, you can’t help but respond with generous giving.”

–Randy Alcorn

We believe that one of the marks of a follower of Jesus is that they are responsible and generous with the resources God has entrusted to them.  As pastors and movement leaders, we have been seeking ways to help God’s people move toward a grace-filled and generous life. 

During this 21 Day Journey Towards a Generous Life, we are praying that your love for God will increase and your experience of God’s grace would deepen; that through the insights of God’s word you will gain a broader perspective on work, money and true financial freedom. We are praying that you will not be the same, that you will have a defining moment and receive a giving testimony by experiencing the words of Jesus himself, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).

Practical Advice for Doing a 21-Day Campaign

Devote 4 to 6 weeks to this Discipleship Initiative.

  1. Preach a four to six-week sermon series on generosity:

    • Sermon #1 – Introduction to series and hand out the 21-day devotional book.

    • The next three sermons can be ideas from the book to reinforce it in the lives of your people. 

  2. Read the Article – Ten Practical Steps to Creating Momentum with your team and see how to maximize your efforts.

  3. Invite them to pray for friends and family far from Jesus courageously.

    • Have them generate a list of 5 friends or family to pray for during the 21 days.

  4. Invite them to pray courageously for a list of church-wide prayer goals.

    • Have your leadership team develop five to six prayer goals for the church for your members to pray for during the 21 days. Sample:

      • Pray for a revival to break through our church.

      • Pray for a spiritual awakening to happen throughout our community.

      • Pray for the youth outreaches, various retreats, or special activities.

      • Pray for our pastoral staff that God would empower them (Ephesians 3:15).

      • Pray for the following cities as we seek to see a new church started there to see God’s kingdom expanded.

      • Pray for our missionaries that God will give them favor and effectiveness in their work (list them).

  5. Launch a Financial Peace University Class into the community.

  6. You can purchase the 21-Day Journey Toward Generous Life books to give away free to your people or ask them to donate $6.00 to cover the church’s expenses. Encourage Kindle users to purchase the book through Amazon.

  7. Consider having Gary Rohrmayer or Steve Mizel speak on a Sunday during your series. Email us to check availability.

  8. Share your generosity stories with us by sending us an email!

21-Day Journey Toward a Generous Life Sermon Ideas

5 Week Series

21 Days of Discipleship


generous life